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The Best Prompts for Teachers


In modern education, the use of AI chatbots is becoming increasingly important. They offer versatile support to teachers in planning and designing lessons. In this blog post, we will explore various ways in which AI chatbots can assist with lesson planning and instructional design. From creating lesson plans to differentiating difficulty levels – here are some valuable example prompts that can help you optimize your instructional design.


A well-thought-out lesson plan is the foundation of successful teaching. It helps teachers structure the goals and activities of the lesson clearly and ensures that all learning content is covered.

Example prompt for a lesson plan:

"You are an experienced teacher for [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT], skilled in creating engaging, well-developed, and effective lesson plans for your students. Your task is to develop [NUMBER] lesson plan ideas for our unit on [UNIT TOPIC]. The lesson plans should each last [NUMBER] minutes and be [SEQUENTIAL / STANDALONE]. The lessons should focus on the following topics: [SPECIFIC TOPICS OF THE UNIT]. Each lesson should be engaging and suitable for students of [GRADE LEVEL]. Each lesson should comply with [STANDARDS] and include the following: learning objectives; a list of key vocabulary; a lesson outline that includes direct instruction, an engaging activity, and a conclusion with a synthesis/summary of student learning; and an assessment of learning."

Sample Prompt:

"You are an experienced 6th grade science teacher who is skilled at creating engaging, well-developed, and effective lesson plans for your students. Your task is to develop 3 lesson plan ideas for our unit on Earth Science. The lesson plans should be 45 minutes each and build on each other. The lesson plans should focus on the following topics: Plate Tectonics, Earthquake Science, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Floods, Landslides, and Topography. Each lesson should be engaging and appropriate for 6th grade students. Each lesson should meet the NGSS standards for 6th grade and include the following: Learning Objectives; a list of key vocabulary; a lesson outline that includes direct instruction, an engaging activity, and a conclusion with a synthesis/summary of student learning; and an assessment of learning."

Additional prompt strategies:

Edit the prompt to make lessons highly customizable. Plan an entire unit with multiple lessons that build on each other or plan a lesson that can be inserted into an existing unit.

Use the chatbot to develop something from the answer. In this example, it could be: “How would I present an overview of plate tectonics and the Earth's lithosphere during direct instruction?” or “Define the list of vocabulary provided for each lesson.

Ask the chatbot to create additional materials: Study aids, flashcards, quizzes, cloze texts, etc.

Let the chatbot customize the content for your students: “Can you simplify the instructions in the second lesson?” or “Can you use more difficult vocabulary?

Enlist the help of a chatbot to extend the learning potential of the topic. In this example, the chatbot could come up with ideas to write a research paper about a famous geological event, create a creative writing assignment about a natural disaster, conduct a data analysis activity with earthquake data, plan an art project inspired by volcanic landscapes or topographical sculptures, or organize a virtual field trip to an area affected by a tsunami.


Substitute teachers often have to step in at short notice and need clear, easy-to-implement plans. AI chatbots can provide quick and effective help here.

Idea of a prompt for a substitute teacher's lesson plan:

“You are an experienced teacher and lesson designer who is adept at all forms of lesson planning and has expertise in ensuring that student learning progresses in a consistent and purposeful manner. Your job is to create a straightforward, engaging lesson plan for my [CLASS LEVEL AND SUBJECT] class that covers [SUBJECT] and requires minimal preparation so that it can be taught by any substitute teacher. The lesson plan should be [NUMBER] minutes long and follow the [STANDARD(S)]. The lesson should include [INSERT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS]. Make sure you include short scripts for any direct instruction required for the lesson - this is important and must be explicitly provided for the substitute teacher. Lessons should be straightforward and easily adaptable for any substitute teacher who has limited knowledge of the subject.”

Sample Prompt:

“You are an experienced teacher and lesson designer who is adept at all forms of lesson planning and has expertise in ensuring that student learning progresses in a consistent and purposeful manner. Your job is to create a straightforward, engaging lesson plan for my 5th grade history class that covers the Montgomery Bus Boycott and requires minimal preparation so that it can be taught by any substitute teacher. The lesson plan should be 30-45 minutes long and align with the CCSS standards for 5th grade. Lessons should include an introduction, an engaging activity, a conclusion summarizing student learning, options for differentiation, and an assessment of learning. Be sure to include a brief script for any direct instruction needed for the lesson - this is important and must be explicitly provided for the substitute teacher. Lessons should be straightforward and easily adaptable for any substitute teacher who has limited knowledge of the subject.”

Additional prompt strategies:
  • Let the chatbot help you organize other administrative tasks to prepare for a substitute teacher. For example, give the chatbot some initial information and ask it to create the following: Attendance procedures, lesson/meeting schedule, arrival and dismissal procedures, school/class information, lunch procedures, restroom rules, and/or emergency/safety procedures.

  • Ask the chatbot to customize each aspect of the lesson as needed for your students. For example, if you have prepared a video for your students, ask the chatbot to create a lesson around that content. Alternatively, ask the chatbot to generate ideas for worksheets, flashcards, word games or activities.

  • Use the chatbot to develop class management strategies during your absence that can be taught to students in advance. Ask the chatbot for ideas on how to set expectations in advance with your students, reinforce good behavior during your absence, and get feedback from both the substitute teacher and your students on how the day went when you return.


A comprehensive syllabus gives both teachers and students a clear overview of the entire course.

Idea of a prompt to design the syllabus:

"You are an experienced teacher and lesson designer who is adept at planning course topics, lessons, assignments and exams. Your task is to create a syllabus for [CLASS LEVEL AND SUBJECT] [COURSE DURATION] that corresponds to [COURSE OUTLINE]. The syllabus should outline the course objectives, topics, assessment criteria, including guidelines for the use of generative AI, and expectations for student behavior and participation. Align the syllabus with these [STANDARDS / LEARNING OBJECTIVES] and emphasize these [KEY ACTIVITIES, LESSONS, ETC. Include in the curriculum a recommended weekly breakdown of lesson topics and assignments."

Sample Prompt:

“You are an experienced teacher and instructional designer who is adept at planning course topics, lessons, assignments, and exams. Your task is to create a curriculum for a 9th grade biology course that lasts one semester and meets twice a week for 90 minutes. The syllabus should outline the course objectives, topics, assessment criteria, including guidelines for the use of generative AI, and expectations for student behavior and participation. Align the curriculum to the 9th grade NGSS standards and the NYS Living Environment Standards and include standards-based biology lab experiments including dissections. Include in the curriculum a recommended weekly breakdown of lesson topics and assignments.”

Additional Prompt strategies:
  • Customize the prompt as you go along by asking to refine your course objectives, add specific activities, adjust course lengths, etc.

  • Use the chatbot to create a series of lessons after you've finalized your curriculum. You can use our lesson plan creation prompts to get started.

  • Ask the chatbot to translate the curriculum into different languages so that parents of non-native English speaking students can understand it.

  • Have the chatbot draft an email that can be sent to administrators, parents or students to share the curriculum with them or ask for feedback on a draft curriculum.


Clear lesson objectives help define students' focus and learning goals.

Idea of a prompt for learning goal generation:

"You are an experienced teacher who is adept at developing detailed lesson plans that are meaningfully connected to your students' learning outcomes. Your task is to create a list of [NUMBER] [INSTRUCTIONAL / UNIT] objectives for my [CLASS LEVEL AND SUBJECT] class on [TOPIC]. Each objective should begin with [SENTENCE STRUCTURE] and correspond to the [STANDARDS / LEARNING FRAMEWORK]."

Sample Prompt:

“You are an experienced teacher who is adept at developing detailed lesson plans that are meaningfully connected to your students' learning outcomes. Your task is to create a list of 5 lesson objectives for my fifth grade science class on the topic of gravity. Each objective should begin with “Students will be able to” and align with the Next Generation Science Standards for 5th grade.”

Additional prompt strategies:
  • Have students create their own goals for a unit or lesson using an AI chatbot.

  • Ask the chatbot to create differentiated objectives for your students based on their reading level, interests, and individual learning needs.

  • Use the chatbot's help to connect new concepts to students' prior knowledge.

  • Use the chatbot to create lesson plans and activities that address these learning objectives. You could also do this part as a class and formulate prompts together to create an engaging and effective lesson plan.

Download our ChatGPT Prompting Sheet now and get step by step instructions on how to create the perfect prompt for you as a teacher.
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